The Gartner Market Guide for Competitive and Market Intelligence Tools is here!

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Valona Global Intelligence Report 2024

This report will give you an understanding of how organizations from different industries, geographical regions, and sizes implement competitive and market intelligence into their day-to-day decision making.

Finally, see how you stack up

How organizations implement competitive and market intelligence

Companies with systematic, strategic market intelligence achieve more. This report shows a strong correlation between thoughtful market intelligence and:

  • Increased revenue and profitability
  • Significant time and cost savings
  • A culture of organizational learning

After reading this report, you will understand how organizations from different industries, geographical regions, and sizes implement competitive and market intelligence. This report uses survey data from 2005–2024.

In this report, you’ll find answers to questions like:

  • How could you be more efficient in your market intelligence decision-making?
  • How can you prove the ROI of market intelligence to management?
  • Should you invest in new market intelligence tools? What about AI?
  • What do you really need to do to perform better in this field?

Claim your copy to learn more about the challenges and opportunities driving the automotive industry forward.

“The way we communicate and disseminate information has undergone a major transformation. Our intelligence platform plays a big role here, as self-service via the platform saves the team’s resources for more strategic questions”

Luc Rooms Head of Market and Competition, Proximus