The Global Intelligence Report 2023 is here! Get the tools you need to gain the competitive edge.

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Expert competitive intelligence for medical devices

Valona gives you unparalleled access to the medical device industry.  From changes in supply chains to disruptions due to technology, you’ll have a solid resource for competitive and market intelligence.

Research App product - AI impacting medical devices industry - Valona Intelligence

Valona is

trusted by the best in MedTech

Stay ahead of trends – before they become trends

Valona provides you with the competitive intelligence tools you need to never get caught flat-footed.

  • Forecasting trends to keep you one step ahead

    Get a bird’s-eye view the competition could only dream of.  Valona offers an analyst-calibrated AI model that scours over 200k of the most relevant sources in 100+ languages.

  • Relevant information, easily grasped

    Analyze, benchmark, and store the most important insights on everything from supply chains to material sourcing with a powerful suite of Competitive Intelligence tools at your fingertips.

  • Reliable security, trusted sources

    We’re fully GDPR-compliant, and then some. You’ll have secure access to industry reports, regulatory reports, and valuable resources like FDA clearance news without ever compromising your position.

  • Primary research? Yeah, we can do that

    Something leave you scratching your head? Dive even deeper with primary research from Valona’s experts. We’ll find opportunities in M&A, equipment suppliers, product development, and so much more.

Research App product platform - tech trends transforming medical devices - Valona Intelligence

5 Medical Device Tech Trends 2024

An easily digestible bird’s-eye view of what you can expect from rapidly changing technologies,  collected from expertly calibrated industry sources.

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Business summaries product - PFAS regulations - Valona Intelligence

Insights on supply chains, R&D, and foreign markets in over 100 languages

Valona provides you with summaries on everything happening in the world. You’ll be able to analyze mountains of global data and quickly and spin it into golden nuggets.

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Product competitor analysis tool AI person Valona Intelligence

Easily report insights on customized dashboards

No more information silos. Help teammates at every level of your organization become more efficient and informed. Curate custom dashboards to distribute supply chain issues, regulatory changes, patient information, and more to enable highly informed decision-making.

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Competitor analysis tool product - sales battlecards - Valona Intelligence

Battlecards to stay ahead of the competition

Medical device companies are especially susceptible to niche competition. Stay on top of your competitors’ past, present, and future decision-making with carefully curated battlecards.

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Christian Boehm Market Intelligence Manager KARL STORZ

“Valona summarizes news from almost every language in English, categorizes it, and makes well-written reports that automatically go out to my team.”

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Product business summaries AI person Valona Intelligence

Constant alerts, so you'll never be caught flat-footed

Position your company ahead of the rest. Receive daily, weekly, or monthly summaries of business abstracts based on everything that’s happening. Powered by AI, perfected by experts. Stay on top of changes in regulations, trends, data, and more.

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The most intelligent Competitive and Market Intelligence software

Learn more about how we’ve set up Competitive and Market Intelligence teams for success