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Accelerating sales growth

New sales opportunities for a manufacturing company

This manufacturing customer completely changed the way they generate leads with Valona. In the first 3 months, they were able to provide over 500 qualified leads to expand their global sales reach.

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Customer case study DETAILS 

Pain point: A leading Nordic manufacturer with global sales teams faced challenges collecting new sales leads from markets like Brazil due to language barriers and limited local knowledge, hindering their access to vital information.

Value delivered: Valona’s AI-driven Insights solution automated weekly alerts for regional sales teams regarding new sales leads from diverse markets. These leads included details on plant expansions, investments, upgrades, and partnerships, conveniently translated into English. 

Economic impact: With access to insights from specialized manufacturing sources, comprehensive reports, and local newspapers, the platform delivered valuable English-translated data, expanding the customer’s global reach and introducing them to new leads.


The challenge: 

A leading Nordic manufacturing company with a global sales teams was struggling to gather key sales leads from their target international markets, like Brazil.

They had a problem with language barriers and a lack of local knowledge that limited their ability to capture crucial sources of information. 

The solution:

The company sent out weekly alerts with Valona’s AI-driven Alerts & Newsletters.

Regional sales teams received updates about fresh leads from different markets. These alerts fed their sales team with information about plant and facility expansions, investments, upgrades, and new partnerships.

All this data was conveniently delivered in English, regardless of the language of the original source. Stakeholders on the information team felt empowered overcome language barrier issues, and they no longer felt they lacked the knowledge to succeed in international markets.

The impact:

Within just a three-month span, the sales teams, equipped with the Valona platform, were handed over 500 new, qualified leads. 

The manufacturing company uncovered sales leads that would have otherwise been undiscovered.

By scanning a wide range of sources – from specialized manufacturing sources to in-depth reports and local newspapers – Valona delivered English-translated insights that were previously out of reach for their information analysts. 

Not only did the Valona AI insights platform enable the customer to explore the full global opportunities, but it also offered them the chance to reach to a completely new type of leads. 

Valona’s solution generated over 500 new qualified leads for the sales teams in just three months, uncovering previously undiscovered opportunities.

Leading Nordic Manufacturing Company Valona Customer Success Stories

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