The Global Intelligence Report 2023 is here! Get the tools you need to gain the competitive edge.

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Value-driven pricing

Your path to impactful insights starts here

Valona’s tailored packages are designed to maximize your benefits, offering flexibility to accommodate your competitive and market intelligence needs and budget.

Our tailored market and intelligence solution enables and provides you with the content and analyst support required to level up your organization’s intelligence.

Get in touch and explore our packages and the unique solutions we offer at Valona Intelligence.

Nothing beats getting exactly what you need

Trusted by

over 500 organizations, worldwide

  • Allianz Trade logo
  • Scania logo
Product competitive intelligence tool AI person Valona Intelligence
Intelligence platform

Nothing beats covering all the bases

Valona’s AI-powered competitive and market intelligence platform makes it easy to find,  analyze, organize, and share the most relevant insights across every team in your organization. Blindspots will be a thing of the past.

Valona platform
Product research consulting AI person Valona Intelligence
Market research services

Create a culture of hybrid intelligence

With 20+ years of practical expertise in the market, experienced research consultants, and the most sophisticated AI to support them – we’ll give you insights and strategic foresight to support decision-making across every function of your organization.

Research & consulting

Empower your business