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Competitor analysis tool

Competitor analysis tool for your competitive advantage

Competitive enablement gives you the latest intelligence to grow your business.

Platform product - competitor analysis tool - Valona Intelligence

Discover crucial competitive insights

Optimize business strategy with competitor monitoring software

The competitor tracking tool integrated within our platform is precisely engineered to provide businesses with a competitive edge. It allows you to keep an eye on what your competitors are doing, track their strategies, and adapt your own approach in response. Utilizing these cutting-edge tools can help you anticipate market shifts, improve your products, and refine your marketing strategies.

Track competitors in real-time

Similarly, competition tracking tools provide businesses with the capability to monitor their rivals’ moves in real-time. A quality competitor tracking tool provides insights into your competitors’ product developments, pricing changes, or strategic partnerships. Keeping a close eye on competitors’ activities helps you to make more informed strategic decisions and carve a unique niche in the market.

Competitor analysis tool product - sales battlecards - Valona Intelligence

Sales battlecards keep you ahead of the curve

Competitive enablement feature brings all the relevant data about your competitors in one spot: the latest news, product, pricing, key customers, social media presence, sales arguments, field intelligence, marketing messaging – you name it.

Battlecards are neatly packaged profile modules that you can customize. They provide a 360 view into the market and competition, so you can benchmark competitors against each other and against your company.

Product market data sentiment analysis - Valona Intelligence

Support your sales team with targeted industry insights

Enable sales to win deals by understanding the competitive landscape. Product, strategy, and marketing teams—all stakeholders need these insights to take the next steps. Continuous monitoring adds critical business value. Pinpoint the strengths of your offering and make long-term operational and product decisions.

Avoid missteps and save money by analyzing the competition and using strategic tools. Competitive enablement is not a nice-to-have, it’s a need-to-have.

“Our sales team even uses Valona as a lead channel. If they see that some company is taking actions to new markets, then it’s a sales opportunity for us.”

Tiia Sirviö CEO of Allianz Trade

Built with your needs in mind

Thanks to our sophisticated AI – which was trained with over 20 million analyst-written summaries – we streamline the process of delivering the most significant competitive insights for you.

  • Empowering all market intelligence tools

    Valona Intelligence’s platform is more than just a set of competitive intelligence tools. It’s a comprehensive solution that transforms raw data into actionable business insights with an unparalelled ease.

  • Automation for profile updates

    Leverage our AI’s capability to generate concise news summaries, curated from a diverse range of over 200,000 global sources. To ensure accessibility and comprehension for our global clientele, these summaries are accurately translated into more than 70 languages

  • Tailoring your competitor analysis

    Leverage the competitor analysis data in your preferred style, whether it be concise competitive battlecards or razor-sharp business insights including most significant competitive insights about your competitors.

State of the art tools for competitor analysis in the market

With the right mix of competitor monitoring and tracking tools, you can decode your competition’s strategies, anticipate market trends, and stay a step ahead in your industry.

  • Data visualization

    By representing numerical data visually, we enable you to easily spot trends, patterns, and outliers. This enhanced understanding of your data goes a long way in aiding strategic decision-making, helping you to make better business choices based on hard evidence rather than speculation.

  • Tagging features

    Utilize our platform’s tagging features for efficient categorization of customer groups, products, countries, and more. This organized system enhances data retrieval, analysis and informed decision-making processes, improving your operational efficiency.

  • Field intelligence integration

    Experience the convenience of our platform that seamlessly assimilates field intelligence right into profiles, offering efficiency and up-to-date data for optimal decision making.

  • Benchmarking tool

    Streamline your benchmarking analysis with our versatile tool that facilitates comprehensive comparisons of companies and products, delivering critical insights for market positioning.

Trusted by

500+ enterprises globally

  • Henkel's logo
  • Unilever's logo

Dive deeper into competitor monitoring

  • How to create the perfect sales battlecard

    Learn how to create the perfect sales battlecard to boost your sales team’s success.

  • The ultimate guide to competitor benchmarking

    Get a grasp on competitor benchmarking to stay on top of your business environment and to ensure that you’re focusing on the right issues in your marketing actions.

  • How to conduct a market analysis in 5 easy steps

    Market analysis and business success go hand in hand. But what are the essential steps of conducting market analysis?

Get to know competitive research hands-on