Real-time business insights in seconds
Gain access to relevant AI-summarized business insights on your industry and competitors — from over 200,000+ sources.

Reach your goals, regardless of industry
Search for market trends by sector, region, or content category. Bring together news and business insights from a range of different industries – like automotive to financial services, and beyond. Business summaries help you develop a keener sense of evolving industry movements. Look out for the first signs of change and enable a true competitive edge.

Pull from local news – before it’s even news
With Valona market intelligence tools you can get insider insights on your industry and competitors from foreign target markets – before it even makes it to the media in English. Business insights from over 200,000+ sources, including paywalled media. Each summary includes the link to the original source, so you’ll know exactly where to do the digging.

Keep teams informed with automated business insights
Tailor business summaries according to keywords and themes for daily monitoring. Personalize automated alerts for smaller groups of recipients or send out newsletters for larger audiences. Your teams need to stay on top of the competition as well, don’t they?
Reduce information overload and centralize data flows – get more focus time for the core insights that affect your business.
So much more than summaries
Valona’s summaries are created using natural language processing, a superior process to summarization. They’re:
Updated in real time
so you’re always getting the latest information
to separate, targeted dashboards, automated alerts, or newsletters
From local sources, to your language
we’ve got you covered with languages from all over the world, so you don’t have to wait for the English media to take a stand
Visual dashboards
for showcasing the latest news and comments around designated themes to exactly who they need to go to
Get precise business summaries trained on complex models
absorb more in less time with Valona's abstracted insights versus regular data
generative AI condenses global news from 100+ languages into precise English summaries
relevant business summaries distilled from 200K+ media sources, including those behind paywalls