The Gartner Market Guide for Competitive and Market Intelligence Tools is here!

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Gain the foresight you need to succeed

Level-up your decision-making with reliable, precise, and timely competitive intelligence. From local nuances to global trends, our curated 200k+ global sources and proprietary AI ensure you always get the most relevant insights.

Advanced AI market research tool

Global coverage of insights from 100+ languages, all summarized in English. Make confident decisions with key insights and gain the foresight for success through
automated trend detection and competitor analysis. Guide your team to measurable business growth with AI-based market intelligence tools. Start making decisions that feel less like guesses and more like winning.

Illustration of Valona platform interface with search bar displaying the text 'What is the impact of AI on restaurant industry?' and search results - Valona Intelligence
business insights

Complex queries in simple language

Valona’s AI search understands you and creates
search queries for results that are actually
relevant. Even better, save these searches
for continuous monitoring of specific trends,
competitors, or topics. Then – come back to
timely, relevant results to get the information you
need for strategic decision-making – quickly
and confidently.

Illustrations of insights, 'My market data', 'Sentiment Analysis', and 'Profit growth' - Valona Intelligence
data visualizations

Customized intelligence for your industry

Analyze and share your discoveries throughout
your organization with trend foresight tools and
data visualizations. Gain a bird’s eye view of global
developments and trends. Every graph can be
downloaded at the click of a button for quick

“The Valona AI research platform is an extremely useful addition to the intelligence platform for processing ad-hoc research requests very quickly and with highly relevant results. ​We like it very much. It is a professional competitive intelligence tool for gaining new insights and trends.”

Michael Münch ​ Market Intelligence Adhesive Technologies​ at Henkel​

Insights-driven decisions made easy, efficient and scalable

Stop guessing and start knowing to successfully grow your business. We collect data for you and make it easy to find, organize, store, and share the most relevant insights across every function. ​

  • AI icon white

    Advanced AI search

    Global coverage of insights from 100+ languages, all
    summarized in English. Make confident decisions with
    key insights and gain the foresight for success through
    automated trend detection and competitor analysis.

    Learn more

  • Insights icon white

    Competitor analysis tool

    Benchmark your competitors to enable more sales. Get actionable insights about your competitors in one spot: the latest news, product, pricing, key customers, social media presence, sales arguments, field intelligence – you name it.

    Learn more

  • Market research icon white

    Business insights

    Search for trends by sector, region, or content category,
    and combine insights from all industries. Our AI Assistant simplifies complex data into concise summaries in English for informed business decisions and sharing of crucial findings.

    Learn more

  • Global icon white

    Global source coverage

    Valona covers over 200,000 market data sources
    including company filings, event transcripts, expert
    interviews, news articles, trade journals, and much more.

    Learn more

Trusted by

500+ enterprises around the world

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Finally, an all-in-one competitive and market intelligence solution

Streamline your resources and prioritize them for best returns.